Risk Management


Internal Risk – This class of risk arises from the day-to-day operation of a facility, storage of records, privacy issues, legal concerns, insurance and finance.  Presented as a non-exhaustive series of questions you can ask the appropriate personnel, this document is intended to get you thinking about the types of internal risk you may face, and what you can do about them.  Issues include:

  • Physical security – main office, building security, office security, cleaning staff, building and office fire, and off-site storage
  • Data security – desktop computers, data back-up, back-up power supplies, virus and malware, and remote access
  • Privacy – PIPEDA-compliance, records, retention and records disposal
  • Legal – employment agreements and copyright
  • Insurance – Directors & Officers, public liability, errors & omissions, business continuity and insurance on leased vehicles
  • Finance – financial position, revenue trends, ability to cover expenses without revenue, audited or reviewed financial statements, budgeting and financial controls

By knowing where you stand with these issues, you are in greater control of your organization’s future and can build towards greater success with a clearer focus.

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External Risks arise from members, products and/or services (including events and other public programs), membership, competition and a variety of other areas.  Unlike internal risks, you have less control over these factors, so it is much more important that you keep on top of what they are.  This document has to do primarily with market risk, which is generally not insurable (but may affect your insurability for other types of insurance)

  • Members – demographics, membership patterns,  and trends, and member purchases
  • Products and/or services – relevance and sustainability of your primary product/service, revenue trends, competitors and market perceptions
  • Membership – relevance of value proposition, brand, and features and benefits delivered to members
  • Competition – direct and indirect competitors, competitors performance against the organization, competitive branding, and competitive features and benefits
  • Other risks – event-related risks, potential or current lawsuits, types of insurance carried/applied for

By considering these risks carefully, your Association will be in a better position to anticipate and deal with potential market changes and other risks that may affect it.  Since most of these risks are not insurable, it is vitally important that you consider them at least annually, and perhaps more often if needed. 

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